Our history

Mes jolis gâteaux was born in December 2011, following Coline’s stay in New York, which inspired her a lot. Today, Mes jolis gâteaux , is a young company that has the wind in its sails!
Coline graduated from Paris cooking and catering school. After 3 years in pastry, she decided to settle on her own with Mes jolis gâteaux, which works in the rules of French pastry, with undeniable inspirations from the American culture.
Strong from her know how, her experiences and creativity, Coline decided to go for a new adventure. In 2016, the first shop Mes jolis gâteaux opens its doors !


We talk about us

The 100% digital success of two young women entrepreneurs
Simply describe the cake of your dreams, Mes jolis gâteaux realize it !

The result is always pretty and tasty!

She realizes stunning cakes for every occasions
Congratulations @mesjolisgateaux for taking up the unicorn challenge
Coline realizes and creates Little wonder
Coline has a crazy talent for creating incredible custom cakes. For 6 years each year she makes me the most beautiful and the best cakes.

Few number

Gourmands feasted on our lovely cakes

Custom cakes

tons of love

years of existence

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